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Welcome to EST

Environmental Support Technologies (EST) is a professional environmental field field testing and remedial services company with over 20 years of experience serving various clients including engineering, consulting, and law firms in the western United States.

We are a California Certified Small Business Enterprise providing unique expertise to our clients in soil gas surveying, mobile environmental laboratory services, direct-push drilling and soil gas probe instillation services, soil, soil gas, and groundwater sampling and remedial services.

EST is considered one of the leading full-service soil gas surveying companies in California. Our extensive in house capabilities in both sample collection and chemical analysis provides our clients with the "one-stop shopping" benefits of not having to deal with multiple sub-contractors and their conflicting agendas.

We have completed over 4,000 projects, installed over 50,000 borings, and analyzed over 100,000 samples in our history. Our staff has expertise in site investigations involving thousands of sites spread across 44 states in the U.S. We have particular expertise in vapor intrusion assessment and sub-slab testing and can analyze samples accurately down to residential California Human Health Screening Levels (CHHSLs) at extremely competative cost making EST your go-to soil gas surveying professionals.

Our field services team is the asset you need to complete your field testing program accurately, efficiently, and cost effectively and be compliant with state and local regulators.